A Guide to Titles

​When choosing cars to buy, it’s important to know the following about titles, as they change how and if the vehicle can be transported overseas.

Clear (Original) Title or Certificate of Title
The vehicle can be exported. This is the original title, full reassignment maybe necessary for export.

Salvage Certificate or Title
Salvage titles can be exported. The vehicle has need of repairs which will cost more than 50% of vehicle value at the time of the accident. Not all ship lines accept vehicles with this title on their ships.

Non-repairable or Destruction Title
The vehicle can be exported, but not all ship lines accept this title for transportation. Vehicles with this title are usually write-offs. Norad Davisville does not accept this certificate for export.

Bill of Sale
The vehicle cannot be exported without supporting documents from the Motor Vehicle Administration.

Junk Receipt
The vehicle cannot be exported. The junk receipt would need to be converted to a Salvage Title for export.

Parts Only
The vehicle cannot be exported.

Reg 262
The vehicle cannot be exported.

The vehicle can be exported. NY specific salvage title. Not all ship lines accept this certificate for export.

*Title Pending
The port will require the title for delivery. The auctions usually receive the title within 30 days. It is good to think about how to store the vehicle until the title is available before purchasing this unit.